Tuesday 1 May 2012

Gen A: Spirit Junkies

Ustrasana: Open the floodgates 
'Generation Affirmation' includes all spiritual beings who believe that repeating affirmations will enrich their lives. Affirmation is defined as "assertion that something exists or is true". Though the idea of repeating positive statements, as an act of manifestation, has been around for centuries, spiritual gurus such as Louise Hay and Wayne Dyer have re-popularized them.
I cannot express the value in sharing positive statements with the Universe. Of course, repeating that you're rich, in hope of winning the lottery, isn't the type of affirmation I'm referring to! Gen A is all about opening your heart, your mind, and your spirit to manifest change.
In yoga, Ustrasana or Camel pose, allows you to open your heart. Aside from all the physical benefits, the 5th chakra, which is the throat, is activated when the head is tilted back. By exploring this pose in steps, you'll be able to feel any emotional restraint. As you know, yoga holds up a mirror, so when emotions are repressed, that's usually when we're out of balance and need to connect to Spirit.
Here are a few guidelines to get you in with Gen A:
Step 1- Write 5 positive statements that hold meaningful truth to what you want to achieve.
Step 2- Repeat these affirmations in the morning, as well as in the evening before falling asleep. While sleeping, your affirmations will 'check in' to your subconscious mind.
Step 3- Try repeating your affirmations in front of the mirror and see if any emotions are awakened as you speak your truth. Take time to honor whatever surfaces.
Thanks to Louise Hay, I've created a bank of affirmations that I repeat consistently.

Here are a few that might resonate with you:

  • I love and accept myself
  • I am capable of managing my busy thoughts
  • I believe in myself
  • I am patient and kind
  • I am loving, lovable, and loved
  • I am healthy and full of energy
  • I am willing to change and grow
  • All is well in my world
  • I am fearless and strong
  • I now release old negative beliefs
  • I am free of the past
If you truly believe that you deserve better, repeat your affirmations and pay close attention to what awakens as you say them. Whatever you believe about yourself becomes your truth, so start believing you're the BEST! Stop. Breathe. Be. There's a lesson you're living that is for your highest good. You may not see it that way when you're feeling powerless, so ask the Universe what the experience is trying to teach you. Your fate lies in your words, your thoughts, and your body. Peel away at the layers of negative beliefs and get to the heart of the matter. Life is too short to live stuck in your head...the view is much nicer from the heart!