Monday 28 May 2012

On my way to Bhujapidasana

Kathryn Budig in Bhujapidasana (
Lil old Me in Bhujapidasana/Shoulder-Pressing pose
I'm on an arm balancing mission! After balancing comfortably in Bakasana/Crane pose, I wanted to take the next step. When I opened a yoga magazine and saw this asana, I told myself I had to at least try to attempt it. Based on my attire (a bikini!), you can tell I wanted to challenge myself ASAP.
If you take a look at Kathryn in the pose, it's obvious that I'm almost there. Just gotta tuck my shoulders under my knees and straighten my legs a little.....easier said than done ;) But I wanted to share my photo because even though I'm not 100% in Bhujapidasana, I'm still reaping all its benefits.
The next time you're on your mat and you're determined to attempt a difficult asana, go for it! You might not look as good as your teacher does in the pose, but you're doing the same work and that's what counts. Effort and application, on the mat, are wonderful actions that will serve you well in your own life. You get what you give, so give your best!