Thursday 3 May 2012

Knock, knock. Who's There? EGO!

Ego talk - Sound familiar?
Oh boy! Here comes the substitute teacher from hell! If Fear is our greatest teacher, I'd say the Ego is a close second! Yoga has become so popular in the last decade; I wonder how many people are practicing to connect mind, body, and spirit. My interest in yoga peeked when I researched Madonna's workout regime. When I read her toned arms were sculpted thanks to yoga, I immediately signed up for Ashtanga. In the beginning, my mind space was very similar to the cartoon on the left. The pace of the class was so fast I had no clue what the teacher was saying, never mind the breathing part. But my Ego stood by my side throughout every uncomfortable pose. I even remember wearing a tank top to class that read, "Check your Ego at the door". As if that was at all possible! Even when I attempted a handstand in my basement that caused a trapezius injury, my Ego still cheered me on. I was so caught up in the physical aspect of yoga, that I was missing the whole point!
Most of us don't even realize when our Ego is behind the wheel. You see we have two centers - the real center is the Self and the false center is the Ego. When we have a strong sense of Self or Spirit, we're independent souls who need not the opinions of others to soar. The real center is the Self, the soul, the God, the truth that resides within every single one of us. However, if you're not spiritually attuned with your higher Self, chances are your Ego is guiding you throughout the day.
Why is it so easy for us to identify Egos in others, yet when it comes to ourselves, we fail to acknowledge its existence? Next time you feel strong, negative emotions towards yourself or others, close your eyes and try to get to the root. When you're able to identify your Ego as the driving force behind your issues, you're disconnecting from that false source and in turn, are connecting to your Self.
Your ego isn't going anywhere, so don't bother trying to get rid of it. The best advice I can give is to be inviting when it knocks at the door. Try to understand the message because without "getting it", we wouldn't grow into our highest Self. And it's through relationships with others - good and bad - that we become who we really are. So the Ego isn't so bad after all – except when it deceives you into thinking your foot would love to rest behind your head!