Wednesday 30 May 2012

We're Connected!

Dedicated to Michael Tessier for his famous ties (
"We're all connected." The first time I heard that I didn't get it, but it remained in the back of my mind for some time. I knew one day I'd understand what that really meant. Guess what? I get it now! In short, every single being that comes into your life, is bringing something to you. Your unreliable friend, your amazing grandmother, your egocentric boss, even the friendly janitor at work; are all connected to you. Each individual touches something within us - light or dark.
Last night I received a phone call from an old colleague. He was hired as a Junior Graphic Designer for the department I managed. He was uber creative, passionate, funny, and personable. We connected deeply due to our similar work ethic. He went on to expand his career and live his big dream. After almost 5 years of barely communicating, he called me. At first I thought he was reaching out to me for references or work talk, but when he told me I'd been on his mind for a while, I was pleasantly surprised. He called to tell me that I inspired him and he was grateful for our connection! I was deeply humbled! After having gone years without talking, we spoke as though we had never lost touch - that's connecting to the human spirit!
People don't just coincidentally pop in our lives. Each unique personality awakens an emotion within us. Through our human relationships, we become who we are. It isn't our career, our education, or social status that defines us, but rather who we are as a result of our human links.
Take a minute to reflect on the connections that you've benefited from immensely - be it positive or negative, old or new, inspiring or irritating. Just like a puzzle, you need every single piece to complete the picture. All my connections are a piece of me, and my colleague Michael, reminded how powerful the human spirit can be. If you've wondered about a lost soul that touched you profoundly, reconnect with them. It can also be so powerful to contact someone you may have once mistreated. It's never too late to redeem yourself or give gratitude to a connection. No words can express the value in reaching out to someone who contributed to your puzzle.
To all my blog readers, you're drawn to me for different reasons. Whatever they may be, my words connect us and I'm immensely grateful for your continued support. Thank you for being a part of my incredibly dynamic puzzle!