Wednesday 16 May 2012

Yoga: Some like it Hot

What is all the rage over Hot Yoga? Years ago the "hot" topic was Bikram, then Moksha took over and now it's just plain Hot Yoga that's popular. As an Ashtanga, Anusara, Vinyasa and Hatha yogi, the idea of taking my practice into a sauna-like room, never appealed to me. After 8 years of practice, I decided to finally try my first Hot Yoga class at Yoga Lounge Montreal.
As I confidently walked into the class, I was greeted by a wave of 40 degree heat that almost made me walk out! Don't get me wrong - I love heat and think AC should be banned.  However when it comes to yoga, I think it's challenging enough to coordinate your breathing with the poses, that the over-sweating part just gets distracting!
As I unrolled my mat, I told myself I'd do this without any judgement towards myself or the heat. I had to remind myself to be open as the beginning was definitely challenging! Between staying connected to my breath, paying attention to my alignment, and wiping my face, there was no room for spiritual enlightenment! That's when it all made sense to me. Most of the people I know who love Hot Yoga are new to yoga. They're interested in the numerous physical advantages, but not so much in trying to connect to their Spirit; and that's OK. Had it not been for Hot Yoga, they'd probably be sweating their stress out on an elliptical machine. As a yoga lover, I'd much rather see them reap the benefits of yoga over aerobics. Call me a gym snob, but step classes just aren't my idea of a mind blowing experience. Even those who practice yoga for superficial reasons, like the way it makes their bodies look rather than feel, I still believe goodness is manifesting within them.
As the class progressed, I was impressed with my stamina given the heat. Of course, I was doing mental cartwheels whenever the teacher demonstrated the next asana. You definitely need mini breaks throughout the practice or you're pretty much over heating your body unmindfully. This particular class was a Vinyasa flow, level 2-3, lead by Andreanne. As an experienced teacher in the heat, she surprised us with pockets of rest, while still exploring challenging asanas. Though I didn't connect to Spirit during the 75 minute class, she certainly touched it with her chant during Savasana.
I'm a Spirit junkie who yearns for mind, body, Spirit connection in my yoga practice. Is it achievable in 40 degrees? I think so. Even adjusting to heat takes practice. Who knows, may be soon we'll be seeing yoga in light rain and we'll adjust to that as well! Until then, you can sweat into OM at Yoga Lounge!