Friday 11 May 2012

Warrior Moms Rule!

My version of Virabhadrasana II ;)
There's only one person I can thank for providing my core values - my Mother. My Mom is one tough woman who stops at nothing until she achieves greatness. She's probably the driving force behind my success. She taught me early on that hard work and passion will never disappoint. She encouraged me to always look at the glass half full, to challenge the norm, and set myself apart from the masses.
Mom, thanks for comforting me through every cold, upset stomach, and minor injury. Thank you for pushing me to new heights and endorsing my many adventures. Lastly, I'm eternally grateful for everything you do for my children...except the time you gave my toddler a soft drink!
As well, I'm very blessed to have another Mother figure whose strength is immeasurable! My famous grandmother, Nonna Maria is undoubtedly my maternal mentor. Her strong belief in faith inspired me early on in my life. My fondest memories date back to the early 80s when she accepted to be my chef and bodyguard. She walked me to and from school no matter the weather and when I'd arrive at lunchtime; she'd surprise me with a fantastic meal and the Flintstones. Moreover, she's currently battling cancer and enduring intense chemo treatments. Despite the fact that her body is in indescribable pain, she has yet to complain. Nonna Maria is a triumphant warrior! I'm beyond blessed to be her grandchild. A born giver, she defines the words, "loving-kindness".
To my Mother-in-law Antonietta, my aunt Terry, my cousin Rosina, my sister-in-law Rosanna and my sister Lolita - I admire each one of you for your boundless dedication to your children.
Lastly, to the ultimate warriors: single Mothers, Mothers of children with disabilities, and Mothers of children battling illnesses - you’re the chosen ones who’ve been given torches to bear so that you’ll forever live in light. May Mothers everywhere be honored beyond 24 hrs. Namaste.