Thursday 31 May 2012


Anjaneyasana/Crescent Moon
This asana, for me, is the most humbling pose. Kneeling on one leg symbolizes our mission to serve. Lifting the arms up towards the sky symbolizes our reaching out to the Universe. Bending slightly backwards allows the heart to be open. The complete meaning behind Anjaneyasana (according to me) is: 'I'm humbled and grateful to the Universe for guiding me to serve others with an open heart'.
If you can make a positive difference in someones life by offering your authentic Self; you rock! After all, we're all servants in our daily lives. We serve our family, our clients, our bosses, even our friends. So, since you serve others already, try to consciously do so with an open heart; without judgement and criticism. You'll be rewarded with the same in return. In order to receive goodness, you must give goodness first.