Saturday 31 March 2012

The Mirror Never Lies

Yoga holds up a mirror. It connects to the light and the dark within. Yoga tells you you're hurting, you're avoiding, you're destroying. It also tells you you're accepting, you're open, you're grateful. Whatever is going on inside you spiritually, yoga will let it rise. On Day 2 of my Yoga Conference journey, I know that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. My yoga is showing me that by following my heart, my fears are dissolving. The logical mind questions this transition period, but my spiritual Self trusts the journey. You can never fail when you learn. Right now, I'm learning to shift my perspective and connect with my higher Self. Yoga has awakened uncomfortableness and plenty of goodness as well. It'll continue to do so because every day is a new day. The way seasons change, so do we. Some days I ride the waves of life smoothly. Other days (since no two are alike) I let my obstacles win. I'm not perfect. I'm work-in-progress. Yoga helps me make sense of the mental noise in my head. It also helps me believe in truth and love. This YC has allowed me to understand that the truth that lies in your heart, will never fail you. What is yoga showing you? If you don't practice yoga, stand in front of a mirror, repeat this statement, "I love and accept myself". Now see what the mirror is showing you. That's your truth.