Wednesday 28 March 2012

Better to Fail than to Bail

Almost daily, I happily turn to my Angels Oracle cards for guidance.  I'm always blown away by the content of the card I draw.  Today, following yesterday's post, I ironically drew the 'Heart Chakra' card.  The heart chakra (aka Anahata meaning unstuck) is the 4th chakra.  It's associated with love, kindness towards your Self and others, as well as following your heart.  As I began my meditation with this chakra in mind, I envisioned a pink glow around my heart.  Suddenly the question surfaced - 'what am I afraid of?'.  Without further ado, 'Failure' replied.  At this point in my life, I'm experiencing strange and wonderful changes.  We all undergo change throughout our lives.  But change is scary.  It scares us because it's unfamiliar.  Being open minded isn't enough to get you through transitions, but being 'open hearted' is.  This is when we stand at the mercy of the Universe and ask for its guidance and support.  After all, we're never alone, so might as well just show up wearing your 'Team Universe' t-shirt. Of course, that's not enough.  My heart is telling me that I'm afraid to fail.  Check.  So now what?  During meditation, I decided to hug failure and told myself that it's OK to fail.  Our greatest teachings are born through our failures.  So, now I'm wearing my 'Team Universe' t-shirt and I have my friend Failure on stand by. Although there's no space for him right now, should he appear, I'll thank him for the wise lesson.