Monday, 26 March 2012

How to Heal a Broken Heart

Today's post is dedicated to two women, who opened their hearts to me, and shared their stories of heartbreak.  Although both stories were completely different, their pain was equal.  They loved fully, gave consistently, listened attentively, and committed wholeheartedly.  So what went wrong?  How could both relationships fall short of success?  Without trying to be insensitive, I'm not interested in the story, because that's already the past and cannot change.  The how, why, when, this, that, isn't important right now.  The focus needs to be on the present moment.  Feeling not good enough today?  Want to start healing so you can get back to your best Self?  Then welcome to Day 1 of "Me, Myself & I".  MMI happens when you choose to get unstuck to old thoughts and habits.  Listen up ladies!  Everything you lovingly gave to your partners, must now be given to your Self.  Love and accept your Self right now.  Give your Self kind thoughts.  Listen attentively to your body and address any discomfort you're feeling.  Commit wholeheartedly to your Self by retiring your old thoughts and beliefs.  It's all about YOU!  Get back your power!  Getting back your power means being open and receptive to love - especially Self love.  Don't live in regret.  You lived through this experience for a reason.  You'll get back to happy when you choose happy thinking.  Tomorrow, next week, next month, next year are rooted on this moment.  MMI starts right now, so tune in and trust the journey.