Monday 5 March 2012

Notice the Signs

Something pretty amazing happened to me recently. I lost my wallet somewhere in my grandparent's building. I had a comfortable amount of money in there, as well as my credit cards. Miraculously, my wallet was found and returned untouched, by a kind and loving 22 year old man. Three weeks prior to that incident, I lost my cell phone. I think I dropped it outside during a snowstorm. The same day my wallet did a 360, I received a call from a stranger who had found my phone. He not only brought it back to life, he took the time to see if there was a contact number at home, so he could return it to me. So what are the signs? Is the Universe trying to tell me I'm lucky? May be. But the message is much greater than luck. My wallet represents value and my cell phone communication. In actuality, I had lost a bit of both within my Self. The most significant part, is that both came back to me. Meditation has helped me connect me to my higher Self. During meditation, I repeat the mantra, 'Om Mani Padme Hum', which means loving kindness. Mantras/affirmations are like playing tennis. You hit the ball and it comes back to you. Whatever you send into the Universe will come back. In my case, the signs were clear. What I had temporarily lost within my Self, came back to me, and my words of loving kindness attracted the same within two strangers. Nourish your Self with a daily dose of love and when you're ready, you'll notice the signs.