Friday 20 April 2012

Leap into Happy

Bakasana or Crane
It's amazing how the steps required to getting into a yoga pose, can be similar to those applied to change in our personal lives. In short, getting into Bakasana goes something like this: you begin in a squat, widen the knees and then move your trunk forward. In order to get into this pose, you have to trust your hands, for your entire body is balancing on them.
I'll never forget the day I nailed this pose. I was taking a class with Celine at Studio Lyne St. Roch, in Montreal. I was so determined to maintain this pose that it took about five attempts, within that same class, to get it. I got it alright! At that moment, I understood that to find success, you need to take a risk and trust yourself. You might fall forward a few times, but when you let go of that fear and insecurity, you realize that you're being supported. The feeling is magical! I want to relive that feeling off the mat. To do so, I'm going to dive forward and teach my first yoga class next week, after five years. Naturally I'm a little nervous, but in order to stay on my path to 'Happy', I have to trust the 'everyday miracles' I've been living.
My perception of all the signs the Universe has been sending me, is to act on these blessings. Every day, we are given miracles. Some may be small, like scoring prime parking with a full meter. Others may be grand, like discovering you're cancer free. Whatever the size of the miracle, the importance is celebrating the blessing. There's a significant message in every miracle. When you're open to accepting it, it'll appear. Often times, the message is right in front of in the spot you gaze at in Bakasana.