Monday, 18 December 2017

The White Truth *Unfiltered

No Filter
Wrapping up 2017 with a massive bow and permanent adhesive! What a year it has been. Today marks the last New Moon of the year. This is a perfect opportunity to glance back to see how far you've journeyed, how much you've grown, and how many lessons you've learned in its unfolding. I think it's fair to say that collectively, it hasn't been the easiest year. Again, we were reminded that we can do hard things.
This year challenged our morals, our faith, our trust, our beliefs. It was the year of awakening for many. For me, I tapped into a suppressed desire for the truth. Although truth telling is part of my daily practice, it's far from being easy. In a society where social sharing is a new norm, I often wonder - have we gone from filtering our photos to filtering the parts of ourselves we'd rather hide? Are we mostly pretending that motherhood is THE best, that our partners are our soul mates, that we have the ultimate career, and that we have it all under control? Yes, I think we aren’t exposing the real truth. It’s OK to keep your life private, just don’t put a bow on BS.  I know moms who are overwhelmed with the job title, but still bake the cookies to maintain the image. I’ve heard more stories about marriages falling apart this year than ever before. Most recently, my response was, "Impossible! They’re so in love on Facebook." This year we've been forced to reveal the truth. From abuse, to lies, to infidelity, to grief, we've all been touched by one of these ugly truths. For me personally, this has been a year of tremendous growth and insight. I finally reached a point where verbal abuse became a deal breaker. I also dug deep through old wounds to get to a place of self-acceptance.
If this year bitch slapped you with pain, I feel you. It takes a great deal of self-love to get through the messy moments. I wonder – is the truth teaching us to love ourselves enough to recognize right from wrong? Maybe we're realizing that it's OK if we're not the #familygoals, #couplegoals, #momgoals we think we should be. Maybe it's time for new #goals such as, #ilovemyself, #igotthis, #icandohardthings. Maybe we've reached a fork in the road where we're asked to either follow our heart or follow the rules. Maybe 2017 was all about loving yourself first, so that you don’t have to pretend it’s all beautiful. You don't have to be challenged in relationships for this to apply to you. This is relevant for anyone stuck in an unfulfilling job, or a new parent struggling with the new reality of who they are, or anyone suffering from crippling anxiety. The truth is that you’ll only feel joy when you love ALL the parts of yourself....the ugly ones too. And when you truly love yourself, you won't stand for verbal abuse, chase your unfaithful partner, believe the "what if" stories, nor will you be tempted towards avoidance, escapism, addiction. You won't allow any of it because you are un-becoming the person you've been after all the stories, labels, hashtags. This is your year-end review. You may be called to bury your old self, old patterns, or an old wound. In my case, I’m burying a limiting belief that being needed and being loved are the same. I believed that if I wasn't needed, I wouldn’t be loved. Here’s a dirty truth. My husband would often tell me that he didn't need me. Grateful for the wound because although it was hurtful to hear, it’s the truth.  He doesn't need me. No one needs anyone. Needing people keeps us attached to this illusion that we're incomplete or incapable of experiencing life on our own. 

Dear Husband,
You were right all along. You don't need me.
Thank you for taking the pressure off.
My best self

Your turn. What are you burying this year? What limiting belief are you letting go of? What truth are you admitting to yourself? What have your 2017 experiences taught you? Is there any area in your life calling for transformation? What are your deep emotions telling you?
As Jay-Z said, "What you reveal, you heal."  This is your rebirth. You've been given what you need to rise up. You’ve been preparing for this moment for lifetimes. If I learned anything on my iphone this year, it’s that there's no filter that can enhance a fake life. We’re all walking each other home, so let's keep it honest. When I’m fighting with the truth, I ask the Universe to show me the way, bring me the right people for guidance, give me the tools to help me see clearly, and my latest request is to be given what I NEED not what I WANT.
Warning: you may take two steps back and feel stuck. The Universe will hold you back if you're not ready. Sometimes you have to experience what you don’t want, to understand what you do want.
Life is an experience. Surrender to the ups and downs. Remember that where you're headed is much more important than what you've left behind. Travel light and let the truth lead you into 2018.

Friday, 17 November 2017


"Don't look back, you're not going that way", read the sign. Over the past few months, I've been separating my life in 'take' or 'toss' piles. During this process, I've observed the human desire of attachment to the past. Although purging did prove to be difficult, I realized that the greatest release went far beyond tossing mementos or yearbooks.
I haven't written in a long time because this is where my feelings come to breathe. This is where all the layers come off. I come undone. This is where crisis finds a cure. This is where I lay the truth to rest. When I find myself disconnecting from the truth, stuffing discomfort, or numbing feelings I'd rather forget, you won't hear from me. I want to be adored for my commitment to the truth, not for decorating lies. With all my years of yoga practice, I still get overwhelmed with feelings I try to rationalize. I wander so far deep in my thoughts, that only when my knees hit the floor, do I gain clarity.
One thing I know for sure is that separating your life in 'take' or 'toss' is highly therapeutic. You take what sparks joy and you toss what no longer serves you. Once I discarded the things I didn't need, I did the same with my relationships. I eliminated toxic behaviour I had allowed for too long. As an opinionated, strong spoken woman, I can sadly be submissive when I feel powerless. For years I allowed others to talk down to me, which served me well. Yes, you read right! It served me well. The abuse reminded me to fall in love with myself over and over again. Because when you love yourself, you know better than to lower your head and silence your thoughts.
This is a glimpse into my truth. I've spent countless days reflecting on my past. I'm not always happy with the choices I made, but I would have chosen the same. I know I'm being guided by the universe and I trust what unfolds before me. As I prepared for a new beginning in a new home, I also wanted a new mindset. Time is an illusion and life makes no promises. I decided to stop waiting for later, tomorrow, next year. Now, I'm influenced by one question, "Does this spark joy?" This sentence brings me closest to the truth. If it doesn't feel joyful, don't do it! I won't sit with company that doesn't feed my soul. I won't comfort others with bullshit. I don't do artificial flowers or friends. And most importantly, I just want to love unconditionally, be loved for my truth, and hold myself responsible for loving myself. Everything I tossed - pots, pictures, people - were significant in my story (even the pots!). They all served their purpose which I'm grateful for. I can't say it was easy, but again, we can do hard things. If you want to receive, you need to release.
As this new moon comes around this weekend, I wish you joy on this journey. Commit to a new mindset for a new beginning. It's never too late to choose joy. It's always there. You may not see it, but you can feel it. Remember that we're complete, but not finished. We're constantly evolving into who we need to be in this lifetime. There's no finish line. Make mistakes, grow from them, look forward, follow your heart, choose joy - you'll never regret it.

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Not for Everyone

I want to let you in on a little secret. I hit "rock bottom" shortly after the birth of my son. I call it "rb" because my life path was completely derailed by anxiety. I couldn't recognize myself anymore. I found comfort in isolation. Social settings were my nemesis. I wasn't fun anymore, and fun was an actual threat to my anxiety. My family and friends couldn't understand what I was feeling, and neither could I. 
Fast forward six years later to today. I'm OK! I'm actually feeling fantastic! Here's the thing though, anxiety can eff you up badly. It can take you to a very dark, lonely place. I started this blog to share my story about my journey. Sometimes the content is light and loving, sometimes it's sad and angry. It's OK not to be OK. Life has highs and lows, joy and pain. Welcome all of it! I'm not always strong, confident, happy, positive. In fact most of the time, I have to remind myself to be in the moment, go with the flow. I spent most of my life showing up confident, but feeling insecure. I'm transforming everyday, as I hope you are too. I'm using this platform (social media too) as my space of vulnerability. Vulnerability is not weakness. It's risky to be open about your feelings, but I can't imagine being any other way. 
I'm not for everyone! I can be wild in a bar, outgoing at dinner, and calm in a yoga session. I'm a box of chocolates....never know what you're gonna get! But I also want to have the hard conversations about: addiction, depression, divorce, illness, death. I refuse to numb the feelings that are essential to our growth. For a long time, my goal was to conquer every quest. Nope, that's not me anymore. I just want to be of service by continuing to show up, share my feelings, help if I know how. I can have a blog post viewed over 2000 times, but it's that private message I'll receive, that makes the difference. It's not about how many likes or followers we have. It's the ones that reach out to us with gratitude, or awareness, or relief in knowing that they're not alone. We can be brave and scared together. I'm learning that loving ourselves, through the process of owning our story (messy, scary, beautiful, extraordinary) is the bravest thing we'll ever do.
So, I'm OK, better than OK! I still struggle with fear, "never enough", judgement, shame, even joy. Despite all that, I'll continue to expose my emotions in hope that they be of benefit. For those who are inspired, enlightened, moved by my posts, you're my tribe. We see each other as the same. If you judge me, that's OK too. I learned that while we're busy judging others, we avoid looking at ourselves. Another loaded lesson! So today, go out into the world to serve from a place of vulnerability. You won't regret it!

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Dear Chloe

Dear Chloe,

Chloe turns 9
Nine years ago today, you chose me to be your mom. I can imagine the scene from above. I was listening to Madonna while working tirelessly on the next marketing campaign. I wanted my ideas to be out-of-the-box, innovative, buzz worthy. I'd work until my pitch was perfect. I was hard...on myself and my team. I must've been sitting on an airplane, talking as I always do, with my sarcastic humour. Underneath my confident tone, I was anxious about flying. That same day, I'm pretty sure I landed in NYC and went shopping, seeking comfort in my discomfort. And you were watching all this unfold, hearing my every thought. This was the day you'd join the world, and you knew I was "the one" to be your mom.
You knew you had to be a Leo (like Madonna!). You knew you had to be imperfect so I could love my own imperfections. You knew you had to be sensitive and compassionate for me to soften my edges. You knew you had to be fearless and full of adventure, so I could appreciate how liberating it is. You knew you had to talk A LOT, so much so that it would annoy me at times, so I could recognize my own mindless chatter. You knew you had to dislike shopping, pushing me to interact with you in deeper ways. You knew flipping upside down was a must, because I couldn't ignore my inner child. On this day, I was probably praying, as I always do, and you knew I was on a spiritual path, slowly awakening. And you picked me!

You came into my life (as all children do), to bring awareness to who I am, and continuously lead me towards my true being. You're my greatest awakener! You repeatedly mirror aspects of myself I want to improve. Thank you for silently encouraging me to step out of my comfort, so that you can be confident in exploring the unfamiliar as well. Thank you for your temperament, attitude, stubbornness, and intense personality....for all of it! No one has challenged me to look within myself more than you. Again, thank you!!
Yesterday, I suggested you fit in between a door frame for a picture. After 5 takes, you reviewed each picture and asked, "Is it perfect mommy?" You so wanted to please me. You're perfect for just being you. You taught me that.
My dear child, you don't need to seek validation externally. You earned the right to be loved exactly as you are.
My mission as your mom is to let go of any parenting tips I once read, and instead evolve into the parent YOU need me to be. Go out in this word a freethinker, a free spirit, an independent girl. May you continue to transform and grow from every circumstance life brings you.
When you were born, I believed you were an extension of me, but you are your own evolving spirit, growing and transforming daily. Today, more than ever, I celebrate you - every part of you! Thank you for choosing me.

Love always,
Your Mom

"Our children contribute to our growth in ways that are perhaps more profound than we can ever contribute to theirs." - Shefali Tsabary, PhD, from The Conscious Parent

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Does Your Mother Know

In April of this year, Eric Paskel lost his brother. He eulogized his brother's life unlike any eulogy I've ever heard. With Mother's Day around the corner, I wanted to share the part he wrote for his Mom, on behalf of his brother Justin.

Mom: I so often gave you my worst because I knew I was safe with you. I know it wasn’t fair. But all of my yelling, all of the short temper was on me. Believe it or not, taking it out on you actually saved me many times from doing something more destructive to myself or others.You are the glue. You are our leader. You were my champion. No one has fought for another like you have fought for me. You did not make a single mistake. It was me making them.Do not feel responsible for my demons, my struggles. I wanted to tell you this so many times, but couldn’t. I loved you so deeply, it scared me. I felt so “seen” by you and I could not handle it.I wanted to. But know this, any ounce of comfort I felt in the world always was traced back to you. I heard your voice in my head daily and felt your love. I took advantage of that love in the wrong ways many times. But finally in the last few years, I took it in the right way and as physically sick as I was, I had never felt better. Please take that same love you gave me and give it to yourself.
As a Mom, and a daughter, these words hold a heavy truth. We're vulnerable with the ones we feel safe with. We expose our shadows because we know we'll always be loved, no matter what. Does your Mother know how scared you are to be "seen"? Does your Mother know that she's not responsible for your choices? Does your Mother know that her phone calls comfort you? Does your Mother know that she makes you feel safe enough to give her your worst?
My Mom and I have a mirrored relationship. I often see myself in her actions. I don't think she knows how alike we really are. Sometimes I'm bothered by her shadows, because I inherited those too. I can make her my punching bag or a cuddly teddy on the same day.
Mama & Me
As Mothers, we have this ability to "see" our children right through to their soul. With my children, I can sense their temperature rise or their tears form before they even manifest. Even when we lose our sensitivity chip, and say or do some nasty shit, we know our Moms will never abandon us. Maybe someday my children will reciprocate, and hopefully they'll feel my capacity to love them despite what they've done or who they've chosen to become. After all, we chose our Moms and our children chose us. Sometimes I wonder what I was looking for in a Mother, before conception. The criteria for my Mom must've began with a non-negotiable list of  -  hot temper and warm heart, big smile and bigger personality! As for my kids, they must've started their wish list with - fun with a hint of crazy, and must provide an abundance of strong hugs and soggy smooches.
On this Mother's Day, tell your Mom the truth about what she means to you. If you have children, ask them why they chose you....should make for a very interesting brunch convo. And on Sunday, make sure your Mother knows. Love big Mamas, but don't forget to give some to yourself!

Monday, 1 May 2017

Love Letter

This is a letter I wrote on Valentine's day, but never posted. I wrote this to myself because the longest relationship I will ever have in this lifetime, is the one with myself. I think this letter deserves to be shared as a reminder for your capacity to love yourself. This is for YOU. Hold space for your own feelings about yourself. May the words land in your heart, xo

My Dear Love,

Happy Valentine's Day! I just want you to remember that you are loved. I will not love you more if you send me flowers. I will love you for your kindness, for your capacity to give without expectations, for your trust, and for being true to yourself. Thank you for accepting me as a warrior, as well as a worrier.
I will love you for your company that requires few words. I will love you despite your poor judgement, no filter, and sharp tongue. Sometimes I will be too much to bare and other times you will crave my free spirit. I will suggest when it's time to dust your aura. I will poke when I see you decorating your pain. I will remind you that ever tear you shed is the most healing water of all.
I will cradle you like the best book I have ever read.
I will turn up the music to remind you to dance. I will watch you slowly take down your masks to reveal your true self. I will encourage you to take risks. I will forgive you when you feel shame or guilt. And when faith starts to fade, I will point out the light of the moon. I will whisper when you need to take your eyes off the rear view mirror and look forward.
I will give you time to unlearn all the stuff the world has hardened you with. I will speak up for you when you lose your voice. When your teacher tells me you are too hot to handle, I will fan your flame. I will never allow you to conform to a cookie-cutter code of conduct. I want you to be proud of your uniqueness. I will watch you fail, cheer you on, and tell you that you are lit as fuck!
I will encourage you to be unafraid to write the truth, even when you are terrified by it. I will push you through your fears to cultivate courage. I will guide you to transform every obstacle into your greatest life lesson. I will crack your heart open so you can own your story. Because, oh my God, I will not have you wake up in your semi-retired life, with regret for the opportunities you never took. You will not let fear win. No one will bring you joy before you do. You will not live this one life waiting, regretting, doubting, dieting, apologizing because in a year from now, nothing will be the same. So tonight, when you count your miracles, I will remind you to include yourself.

I love you,
always and forever.

Monday, 24 April 2017

The Dirty Truth

Growing through dirt
Would you believe that I died more than once? I just died a few seconds again this morning! I keep having this dangerous conversation with myself about going for a run. Could you believe I'm afraid of running? Yup, I just said it. It's actually surprising because I've mastered running late or even running away from my inner voice that whispers, "Yes, you can". But this morning, when every excuse not to run, won, I died a little.
I'm a lousy runner. Don't be fooled by my small, fit frame. I have no endurance, which is one reason I suck at running. I'll be ten minutes in and just when I might pass out, I talk myself into walking instead, and then I feel defeated. So to avoid feeling inadequate, I don't even bother lacing up my kicks. Today, that's the fear that won. Other days, it could be anything from avoiding an uncomfortable conversation with someone, or resisting something that requires a thread of bravery. See how we can die a few seconds each day? When you step away from an opportunity that requires an ounce of courage, your soul just flat lined.
Think of all those times you got tangled up in your bullshit story, giving center stage to your ego. Your "what ifs, why me, I can't, not good enough, not meant to be..." are stabbing away at your soul every single time. This is how we miss out on what's really happening, what's really being said, and what's really being felt. We'd rather not go there. We get comfortable sitting in our dirt, hoping for sun, yet trying to grow without rain. I know it can get terribly ugly down there. Life can curl you up in darkness and it can comfort you with light. So are growing or dying a little today?
If you're on autopilot, just coasting through life, ask yourself, what brings you joy? It shouldn't be that hard to name the things that make you happy. Sometimes it can be though. We're either too afraid to name them or sadly, we spend so much energy giving joy to others, we don't even know what makes us happy. Wanna know what brings me joy? Talking, writing, sharing. One day (because I'm still choosing to die a little until then) I'll walk across the stage of Place des Arts, with a mic in one hand and a bag of dirt in the other. Unlike Gabby Bernstein or the late Dr. Wayne Dyer, my talk will offer something different. Everyone will receive a bag of dirt (insert copyright here) at the entrance. My event will be called 'The Dirty Truth' (copyright that too) whereby I'll encourage everyone to go home, bury a seed in their dirt, and watch how painfully slow it'll grow. This experiment serves as an observation of our growing pains. Some seeds will barely crack through the surface, while others will be in full bloom. And since you won't see the evolution of your neighbour's seed, you'll be spared the 'comparison' stab.
I can promise you one thing for sure - I'm going to run this spring. Maybe even tomorrow. I'm going to run because I know how amazing I'll feel afterwards. Just like life. I'll face pain, suffer somewhat, feel defeated, but nonetheless, the kicks will come on despite my dead-weight thoughts. I refuse to let that weight choke the joy out of my life, killing me slowly. Will you run with me? Will you run to the things that bring you joy? Will you ask for rain so you can grow a little stronger? Will you push yourself to sprout? Will you share your dirty truth? At least share it with yourself?
This is my dirty truth. I'm scared to run. I don't like to fly. I'll spend two hours deciphering food labels, but still leave the grocery store with a box of Nutella donuts. I'll meditate for fifteen minutes and yell at my kids for ten. I'll tell you to speak your truth but lose my voice when it's my turn. I'll look like a marathon runner, but walk most of the run. That's some of my dirt and I'm OK with burying myself in it, but I won't let myself die there too. Death comes in so many ways, but I never realized that I died as much as I have. Death isn't tragic. What's tragic is dying with our magical seeds still in us.
I'm going for a run today. I just decided. Even if it's only ten minutes (aim low and surprise yourself)! And it doesn't really matter if I don't ever make it on the stage of Place des Arts. But what a shame it would be if I dulled my sparkle, stopped feeling safe to be myself, or got so caught up in big dreams that I missed the small miracles. May you all find comfort in your dirt, and commit to growing despite how dark it gets. Oh and I learned a thing or two about gardening. Once you plant your seeds, you're challenged with weeds, pests, and diseases. Ironically, weeds are inevitable, which is okay - so long as they don't start chocking out your plants. Water your seeds, not your weeds! Now go celebrate your dirty truth! Don't forget to LIVE, forGIVE, do what you LOVE, so when you die a little, you're not choked by your weeds.

Monday, 27 February 2017

Magic Matt

Image from 'Help Save Matthew' FB pg
I never met Matthew Schreindorfer, but I'll always remember him. The news of his passing today still hasn't settled in. We worried this day might come, but never thought it actually would. Call me an optimist, but I think I was just more hopeful than anything else. I believed, we all believed, that he would overcome his diagnosis. He had over 13K Facebook fans following his story, encouraging him through every treatment. We all prayed, offered words of comfort, and supported him throughout his journey. We all hoped for a different outcome; a happy ending.
We fell in love with Matt, and his wife Katia, when they first shared their story on social media. They were high school sweethearts and newlyweds who traded 'happily ever after' for 'never ever give up'. After exhausting all possible leukemia treatments in Canada, Matt's only option to stay alive was raising a six-figure sum, for treatments in the US. Needless to say their story generated an overwhelming outpouring of support, helping them raise enough money for treatments abroad, which saved his life. As Matt continued his recovery, he never forgot to check in with his fans. He would keep us updated on his progress regularly. When he announced he needed further treatments, we continued to pray and offer donations. He never lost his sense of humour despite how many needles poked him on any given day. We followed his journey, 'liking' his posts so he knew we were there. And yet the majority of us didn't even know him personally. That's how special 'Magic Matt' was. His mom mentioned today that she was his chef throughout his fight. I think she poured so much love in his meals, that his charm and infectious smile stole our hearts.
We all know someone who has battled an incurable disease. Each one of them fought their battle with outstanding courage and the willingness to live longer. He was no different, yet we all felt somewhat a part of his story. We wanted him to win so badly! We wanted Katia to go from captain to partner. We wanted them to smile forever. I think the reason we fell in love with Matt was because he reached out to strangers, shared his trials and triumphs, and despite the odds, he committed to fight by undergoing hundreds of blood transfusions, countless tests and way more details we were spared. Moreover he was the poster child for Hope.
As I tried to make sense of my sadness for this complete stranger (that I better meet in my next life!), I realized that he gave me and thousands of others hope that THIS time cancer wouldn't win. He gave me hope that 'never ever giving up' is the mantra that would guide me through any challenge. He gave me hope that the human spirit is resilient, that we're never alone, and strangers will help you when you ask. As my tears hit my keyboard, I'm reminded that our beacon of hope has transitioned. I think that's why we're all struck with grief. Our broken hearts are asking how someone with such a strong will to live, could have their life cut short at only 27 years young. And then there's Katia, who never left his side.
I wish this story had the fairy tale ending it deserved. I ask myself what made Matthew so likeable? Sure he was easy on the eyes, seemed kind, gracious, and authentic throughout his journey. But I think Matt never allowed life to harden his heart. His courage was remarkable. Because of his experience, he took on a personal task to bring unavailable treatments to Canada. He touched so many strangers that a song, socks, and shirts were even created on his behalf. He was the lighthouse for anyone fighting an illness. He inspired thousands of us to 'keep on keepin' on' no matter what we were going through in our lives. Don't we all wish we could have an impact on the lives of strangers the same way as Matt? How about we try! Honouring a life is taking all the beautiful qualities that touched you and sharing them with the world. If the thousands of us that Matthew touched so deeply, would go out into the world with his contagious love for life, the world would be sweeter.
Thank you for inspiring us to open our hearts, love big, ask for support, smile even for a second during hardships, and never lose hope - because your journey has touched more lives than you'll ever know. Sending love and light to Matthew's family. May they heal knowing that his name and story will never be forgotten. Namaste.

Monday, 30 January 2017

Everyday Miracles

Miracle Moment
On Thursday, my 5 year old son returned home with his nap blanket, one day earlier than usual. When I asked him why, he hesitated for a while and then told me he shared it with his friend, Sandra. The following morning I received the most moving email from his teacher explaining the story behind the blanket.
During relaxation period, Damiano (my son) preferred to finish some work instead of taking a nap. Meanwhile, his classmate Sandra was feeling particularly cold that day, so he offered her his wool blanket. After he finished his work, he decided to check if Sandra was warm, and what happened next will melt your heart. He lay down by her side and wrapped his arm around her to ensure she'd stay warm (insert proud mama moment here). I'm sharing this story because that same night, I was reading a powerful book that said, "God very often plays man. God will do nothing without man and whenever He works a miracle it is always done through man." As much as I can claim my son to be compassionate and kind, I believe God came through him in that act. The relationship between the two of them isn't always blissful, which is why I give credit to God.
Sandra is a special child. She was born with an allergy to light and most recently was diagnosed colour blind. Needless to say, the two diagnostics combined make her unique. Damiano and Sandra are far from being best friends. Their relationship includes sharing, playing, bickering, and plenty of arguing. Yet on that day, something deep within his soul unlocked. He brought His light to comfort her, to keep her warm. Ironic that although she may be averse to light, the greatest comfort was being warmed by His light. The cutest part of this story was the picture I received as proof that this did indeed happen. Notice his arm hugging her.
As a habitual hugger, I feel that a hug is socially underestimated. The most powerful exchange of energy between an adult and child, is a hug. With the vibration of heartbeats and the quality of our breathing, we can feel the present state of another human being. If the heart beats quickly and the breath is shallow, you know you gotta squeeze a little tighter.  I call this particular hug a "lemon squeeze". It whispers, "Be at ease. I am here for you." Sadly, most of us don't consider a hug that special. But let me tell you a secret. There's power in softening someone's edge with a lemon squeeze.
Somewhere between childhood and adulthood, we're taught that being strong means being hard. Well here's some 2017 breaking news - soft is the new strong! Show your children the value in softness. It requires much less effort for light to shine through a glass window than a brick wall. It also requires much less effort to be vulnerable than guarded. At a time in the world where our sense of security is constantly being discussed, I urge you to let go of some apprehension. There are 7 billion people in the world, most of which offer miracles every minute, yet we sensationalize evil acts instead.
The story of my son is simply an everyday miracle that most would overlook. I felt the need to share because I was deeply moved by this miracle. It gave me hope for anyone with a disability, that there are people who'll look past your condition to connect with your soul. And for all humanity, know that you can choose to be hard on yourself and others, or you can courageously soften, so you can warm others with your light. Go out into the world today with love on your sleeve, miracles on your mind, and the possibility that through your softness, God will come through. Stay soft, but hug hard!