Friday 8 August 2014

To the Moon and Back

This is it. It's time - for change, for new goals that will enrich our lives, and for peace. On August 10th, we will welcome the super full moon  (when the moon is closest to Earth). I've been waiting with excitement for this day. Why, you wonder? The new moon is a magical time to welcome new beginnings, revised intentions, and prepare to breathe new life into change you wish to manifest.
The world is yearning for peace, but we can never have global peace if we are at war within ourselves. Peace starts with you. It's time to take responsibility for our actions, our words, our energy so that we can achieve global peace. So, on August 10th, take time to commit to new goals or wishes and plant your seeds.
The birthing cycle of the moon is perfect for setting intentions by using universal energies to set your desires in motion. Will you join me in a moon ritual focused on manifesting change?
Have a journal and pen handy to record your intentions, a candle, a vision board (if you have one), as well as any photos, and crystals, stones or objects that are sacred to you. Find a comfortable, quiet area to sit on the floor. You can use a "smudge stick" made of sage, light the end, and as the smoke comes up, use it to cleanse the energy around you. If you don't have sage, take an incense stick and declare, "Cleanse my aura of all negative energy. Let my actions, as well as my thoughts, be for the benefit of all beings".

My super full moon alter
As you sit, list all your intentions that you wish to manifest. Be specific. Tell the Universe what you strongly desire. Make your affirmations personal, as you know your story better than anyone else. You know your fears, anger, sadness, strengths, weakness, and what you really want to bring into your life. If you have an illness, this is the ideal time to focus on eliminating crippling fears, letting go of any bitterness or anger, and allowing the energetic pull of the moon to rid your body and spirit of all negative crap that no longer serves you.
Open your journal, date the page, and write, "I accept these gifts into my life now or something better for my highest good and for the highest good of all beings". Then begin to write your affirmation statements, highlighting goals you wish to achieve. You can be creative by writing your intentions, placing them in a helium balloon, and sending them off into the world.
Your intentions are rooted in longings that surface regularly. Take time to revise these wishes, see what comes up. Then write them down and during the supermoon, close your eyes, declare your affirmations to the Universe. A big part of the new moon rituals' success, comes after. Try to keep your intentions close to you, make notes on your progress, and celebrate any signs of change at the next full moon. Keep in mind that you must do your part, beyond simply listing your affirmations or goals. You must commit to realize each intention. Nothing will develop if you don't do anything to support your affirmations. So start thinking of what you want to draw into your life and may the force or pull of the supermoon be with you on August 10th.
Blessings & Peace to All