Tuesday, 11 June 2013

I Feel. Therefore I am.

Reflecting in Ardha Chandra Chapasana
Did you read the quote, by Abraham Hicks, in this picture? How true is this statement?! Think about it - when someone makes you happy, it's because they're connecting to a part of you that recognizes that joy. And when someone makes you so angry you want to bitch slap them, it's because they're poking at anger that already exists in you. No one 'makes' you feel anything. Contrary to what you may believe, you have complete control over your feelings. The only thing that others can do, is awaken feelings that already exist within you. So when your bitchy boss throws you under the bus in the board room, (causing you to feel hurt, mad, undervalued) your feelings are simply reflecting her actions. Your re-action speaks much louder than her action. Do you get that?  What I think of you has everything to do with me, and very little to do with you. If I label you as judgemental, insensitive, unreliable, it's because somewhere in my life, I've put those labels on myself as well. Within all human relationships, we'll discover people who love us and people who hate us. The most valuable lesson to retain is, that in either circumstance, don't buy into someones opinion of you. Whatever they think of you, they think of themselves - good and bad. Now that you know this, think of someone you love and someone you strongly dislike. Describe what you love about your fave person and then clarify what irritates you about the other. Explore the emotions they awaken within you. Send gratitude out to both people in your life. After all, they show us what we need to learn, ONLY when we're open and ready to see that truth. People will guide us through emotional enlightenment. Be mindful of what they awaken and grow from what you discover.