Wednesday 15 May 2013

3 Ways to Fuck Cancer

We've all heard it before. Your mother, sister, grandfather, friend, or you - "You have Cancer". As you absorb those heavy words, you visualize a train heading at full speed, in your direction.
According to, 'Cancer is a disease that mostly affects Canadians aged 50 and older, but it can occur at any age.' May be it's time to adjust that statement since, in the last 2 years, I have known 5 people, UNDER 40, whose lives were taken by this bullshit disease! Wake up human race! We're all on the battlefield and unless you start arming yourself with the right ammunition, you'll be next!
#1. Food
Why are so many of us battling this merciless disease? Yes, the hormones, pesticides, aspartame, dioxin, genetically altered seeds (thanks Monsanto!) do contribute to the overwhelming increase in tumours. After all, we're eating and drinking small amounts of toxic crap daily, thus weakening our immune system over time. So, #1 Eat Sensibly. I'm not saying you can’t indulge in fast food or Tim Horton’s iced lattes, but be conscious of what you're eating. If you're eating habits are poor, include supplements in your diet. Running low on energy? Take some Royal Jelly (its bee pollen available at any natural health store). Hate eating veggies? Take a shot of wheatgrass daily. Get informed on easy dietary adjustments to keep your immune system healthy. Should cancer surface, your body will be prepared to defend itself.
#2. Tune In
We all love to hear ourselves talk, but while we're yapping away, we can't hear what our body is trying to tell us. If you have a reoccurring symptom, don't ignore it. If you feel comforted by antibiotics/band aid solutions, stop! Take responsibility for your body. Ask questions. Get to the root of the physical illness. From a sore throat, to a runny nose, to a dislocated knee, there's a wholistic reason behind each condition. Look beyond the literal of, "My neck is sore because I made a sharp turn". Your neck is sore because MAY BE you're a little stubborn, inflexible and refuse to see other sides of a situation. I'm definitely no doctor, but I've studied wholistic health and this is how we approach all distresses. It's never just black and white. There are always multiple layers to the final outcome, which I prefer to call a rainbow. So, #2 listen to your body. First it whispers, then it talks, then it yells. By the time it yells, it's so pissed off at you, it makes you suffer.
#3. Accept & Let Go
I believe that 98% of dis-ease is caused by stress. We all know stress and we all deal with it differently. Stress isn't only related to work, your kids, or financial worry. Stress is like a seed that you plant in your body. When you live through trauma such as, a loss, divorce, abandonment, abuse, rape, or any circumstance you cannot seem to let go of, you are watering a distressed seed. Your seed is growing when you suppress your anger, sadness, fear related to your trauma. You must deal with your suffering. How do you do that? Let your pain live out of your body. Try a contact sport, like boxing, even pounding a pillow works. Whatever will allow your body to release untapped emotions, is healthy.
We all suffer, but at different times. You're not alone. Crawl out of your darkness one tear at a time. Let go of what you cannot control. The cold, hard truth is that resistance will land you sitting across an MD who'll tell you, "You have Cancer". Every single person I know whose ill awakened their disease after something traumatic took place or after years of suppressing their emotions. So, start taking action. You can choose to repress, resist and nurture your tumour to grow or you can help yourself. Get unstuck because you matter.
If you'd like any info on therapists, energy healers, self-help books, please don't hesitate to send me a personal and confidential message to my email address:
For anyone who is living with any illness, I send you love and light - the light is always there, but you'll only see it when you're ready.