Wednesday 6 February 2013

I might Change your Life

Open hips + open heart = Open Mind
I might change your life. I might change your thoughts. I might change your opinion. I might change your mood. You're reading this post because I got what you need right now. You need to chill out, smile, take a deep inhalation, and now exhale the bullshit that's suffocating your spirit.
We're so busy listening to all the noise around us, that we forget to tune in. Never mind their story, their problem, their negativity - that shit will just weigh you down (and we don't need extra calories)!
Today is the day you throw on your old school Adidas jacket, wild leggings, and get out of your comfort zone. Sometimes, you just gotta step outside, get some fresh air, and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be.
Every minute that passes you have a choice. You can choose to start over again at any time. You can choose to smile, to cry, to beat yourself up, or to move forward. We've all wiped out (blame it on the lack of salt on our sidewalks), but do you fall down or stay down? Get up. Dust yourself off because somewhere, someone doesn't have that choice. Be grateful that you have that choice today. And when life throws you lemons, be grateful for the people that planted, nurtured, and picked those lemons. For every lemon that squirts in your face, that's the Universe telling you that's what you need.
Be open to what life is offering you right now and choose whether to be happy or not. But happiness is not a destination. Happiness is happening right now, if you choose to let it live within you. Remember you always have a choice. Choose to be open to receive whatever you're given at this time. Accept every circumstance and learn from each experience. So next time you fall down, please get up and grow!