Magic: art of producing a desired effect. Guess what? We all have magic within us. Every time we shine, it's actually our sparkle making it possible. Shine your light now. Make magical moments manifest.
Top 10 ways to Manifest Magic
#1. It's not about how you look, it's about how you see.
#2. When in doubt, let your lips do the sparkling.
#3. Offer your magic when you least feel like it.
#4. Share your magic and you'll get magic back.
#5. See magic in everything.
#6. Believe there's always a magical rainbow after the storm.
#7. Kill all negative thoughts with a sparkly stiletto.
#8. Be mindful of your magic - it matters.
#9. Don't die with your magic still in you.
#10. If you don't believe in your magic, no one else will. |
*All images courtesy of tumblr ohmygodglitter