Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Do You Believe in Magic?

Magic: art of producing a desired effect. Guess what? We all have magic within us. Every time we shine, it's actually our sparkle making it possible. Shine your light now. Make magical moments manifest.

Top 10 ways to Manifest Magic
#1. It's not about how you look, it's about how you see.

#2. When in doubt, let your lips do the sparkling.

#3. Offer your magic when you least feel like it.

#4. Share your magic and you'll get magic back.

#5. See magic in everything.

#6. Believe there's always a magical rainbow after the storm.

#7. Kill all negative thoughts with a sparkly stiletto.

#8. Be mindful of your magic - it matters.

#9. Don't die with your magic still in you.

#10. If you don't believe in your magic, no one else will.

*All images courtesy of tumblr ohmygodglitter

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

And the Oscar goes to....

I couldn't resist posting today. I'm in the midst of "de-cluttering" (get rid of the old, to make room for new). Holy crap, I'm a borderline paper hoarder! I realized that I'm slightly addicted to information. I read, read, read, repeat, read, buy more books, magazines to read, and read. My brain is overloaded with information!! HELP! I need a mental detox ASAP.
For some unknown reason, I feel mentally unfulfilled if I don't read at least one article a day. If you think my library of books, magazines, and tear sheets is insane, I'm afraid to confess to the ridiculous number of self-help, spiritual, yoga e-letters that are loaded in my inbox. To add to my virtual clutter, I follow another ridiculous amount of yogis, holistic coaches, spiritual healers on Facebook. Yikes! Intervention time.

My brain on info-overload

Ok, so I love to read short stories about yoga, health, and wellness. Noted. But how much of what I'm reading am I actually absorbing? To be completely transparent, I have read fear-facing write ups, to Oprah's 'What I know for sure', to learning how to meditate, to fulfilling your destiny, get my point. As I'm slowly transitioning into my new career, I can't help but compare myself to the soft-speaking, macrobiotic eating, kirtan dancing, self-healers. I believe that their journey has more depth than mine; that they're so self-actualized, they wouldn't harm an ant! I, on the other hand, am a loud talker, meat eating, fly squatting pro, who turns to alternative anything to self-heal. I feel like I'm trying to win the Oscar for 'best actress in an adapted screenplay'.
When I wake up in the morning, I'm on a mission to make this day count more than yesterday. I review my 'to do' list (makes me feel productive), read my e-letters, check in with my Facebook gurus for inspiration, so by the time noon comes around, my head is too heavy to sit in meditation. I have so much information to decipher and mentally compartmentalize that I actually forget half the crap I read!
Bottom line: I already know all this stuff! You know it too. We all know what we could be doing to lead a more meaningful life (start by starring in your own original screenplay). We all have the answers we need and when we can't seem to find them, they somehow appear. When you're committing to something fully, the Universe gives you what you need to succeed. In my case, I seem to prefer to be distracted with info overload as an excuse to progress. By convincing myself that this spiritual lifestyle is foreign to me, I limit my capabilities. I play it safe to avoid failing, and in turn, I'm simply stunting my growth.
When we set our performance barre so high, we're subconsciously sabotaging our ability to succeed. It's time to start with a clean slate. First 'to do': Stop hiding behind other people's stories and experiences, so I can create my own authentic story (Oscar moment). Second 'to do': Embrace my vulnerability rather than allow it to fabricate obstacles, make excuses, procrastinate. Third 'to do': Let it be. So I don't have all the philosophical theories figured out. That has no relevance on my personal growth. I read, read, read, hoping to find comfort from others afflictions and inspiration in others achievements. I know my truth, and that's enough! I know that when you lead from your heart, you can never get lost. All that informative noise is just clouding my path. My heart will always be my dependable source for authentic joy. Insecurities, uncertainties, wonderment will always roam in my mind, but it's believing in my ability to do amazing things that makes the difference. It all goes right back to the source of self-love, self-acceptance, and affirming your amazingness to YOURSELF. Let the journey to your Oscar moment be exhaustively inspiring and obnoxiously smothered in love!

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Be Your Valentine

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of how kickass amazing we are. 
Press PLAY to repeat these words to yourself in the mirror everyday.
Press REWIND on the days you need more reminding.
Press PAUSE when you know you just got even better.
Spread the LOVE!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

I might Change your Life

Open hips + open heart = Open Mind
I might change your life. I might change your thoughts. I might change your opinion. I might change your mood. You're reading this post because I got what you need right now. You need to chill out, smile, take a deep inhalation, and now exhale the bullshit that's suffocating your spirit.
We're so busy listening to all the noise around us, that we forget to tune in. Never mind their story, their problem, their negativity - that shit will just weigh you down (and we don't need extra calories)!
Today is the day you throw on your old school Adidas jacket, wild leggings, and get out of your comfort zone. Sometimes, you just gotta step outside, get some fresh air, and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be.
Every minute that passes you have a choice. You can choose to start over again at any time. You can choose to smile, to cry, to beat yourself up, or to move forward. We've all wiped out (blame it on the lack of salt on our sidewalks), but do you fall down or stay down? Get up. Dust yourself off because somewhere, someone doesn't have that choice. Be grateful that you have that choice today. And when life throws you lemons, be grateful for the people that planted, nurtured, and picked those lemons. For every lemon that squirts in your face, that's the Universe telling you that's what you need.
Be open to what life is offering you right now and choose whether to be happy or not. But happiness is not a destination. Happiness is happening right now, if you choose to let it live within you. Remember you always have a choice. Choose to be open to receive whatever you're given at this time. Accept every circumstance and learn from each experience. So next time you fall down, please get up and grow!