Sunday, 7 April 2013

Enough is Enough

At what point are you able to walk away from criticism? How long before hearing your flaws on repeat, do you choose to tune out? When your barometer reading hits the "stormy" mark, do you run for shelter or get drenched by the sharp rain? How much bulls**** can you take?
If your thought pattern goes from negative to positive by listing your imperfections better than your competencies, or your failures faster than your successes, then I get you! I'm not celebrating the fact that at this time I can completely relate to this shitty feeling. In all honesty, I hate having the "enough" convo with my Ego, my chakras, God, and the Uni-verse. It kinda rolls out like this: I get verbally knocked down, bark back or shut up and repress my rebuttal, let the dust settle, and then I power talk. I pull out my imaginary bouquet of gerberas and with each proclamation of how amazing I am, I throw myself a flower (b/c if you don't tell yourself how fuckin' fantastic you are, no one will!).
I'm having one of those days when I feel exhausted to defend who I am. As the dust settles though, the bull**** starts to mentally absorb and almost becomes believable. Whoever said, "Don't think too hard, you might hurt yourself", is a genius. When you start to buy into your toxic thoughts, there's no denying that you'll be hurt. We also spend enough energy putting ourselves down, that we don't need someone else to highlight our shortcomings. Hey, last time I checked, I'm trying my best. On my journey, I packaged a lot of mistakes. Thanks to them, when I stumble, I can get up! While I don't appreciate people putting me down, I see how, almost natural, it is to judge. It's so easy for us to knock others down, because while we're busy faultfinding in others, we're not looking at ourselves.
I AM, who I AM, and you don't have to like me (although I prefer being liked). We always have choices, so I choose to let go of the critique. Every flower needs dirt to grow, and while I'm down here, I'm going to find my crack of sunlight.