Thursday 15 November 2012

We are NEVER EVER getting back Together

Dear Anxiety,
We've got to stop meeting like this! Just when I've moved on, you reappear begging to come back into my life. Who do you think you are? You think you can just crawl back into my mind and make me believe that I'm crazy, weak, scared, or not good enough?!
I remember when we last met up, you convinced me I should leave wherever I was. You brainwashed me into believing that leaving was the answer, when instead I was just running away from my feelings. But I love myself enough to call your bluff.
We haven't seen eachother in a few months, but you come around again and say, "I miss you". I say, "I HATE you!" Stop stalking my mind. I know I'm good enough and strong enough to leave you behind. This time I'm telling you that we are never ever getting back EVER! You go talk to someone else because I'm tired of hearing your negative, hurtful words. And I'm really gonna miss you playing with my head and me, falling for all the bulls*** you said.
I used to think, that we, were forever ever ever, and I used to say, "never say never", but we are NEVER ever getting back together!
*Dedicated to all those who've been mentally abused by anxiety. Today is garbage day, so dump it!