Sunday 30 December 2012

2013...Waiting to Inhale

Best lesson of 2012
As 2012 comes to an end, I smile, breathe and slowly reflect on my universal wish for 2013. This year, I learned about polarities such as yin/yang, and how contrary forces are interconnected to actually be complementary - not opposing forces.
So, for 2013, my wish is for all of us to achieve yin/yang balance through these 13 intentions:
  1. May you work hard, yet rest often.
  2. May you succeed, after having failed.
  3. May you appreciate light, after observing darkness.
  4. May you be aggressive with your goals, yet passive with the small stuff.
  5. May you be patient with your faults, yet intolerant of personal judgement.
  6. May you credit courage, after facing a fear. 
  7. May you make mistakes, but learn new lessons.
  8. May you want less, and give more. 
  9. May you have faith in your soul, yet be skeptic of your ego.
  10. May you dance with joy, after minding your anger.
  11. May you laugh out loud, after a heavy-hearted cry.
  12. May your thoughts be light, and your breath be full.
  13. May you DO less, and BE more.
Best intention for 2013

Have an epic 2013!


Sunday 23 December 2012

My Top 10 Memorable Moments in 2012

Dear Friends,

As 2012 nears the end, I couldn't help but review my year. Although it wasn't a smooth, easy year, I do have 10 amazing moments I lived through that are worth sharing. I encourage all of you to look back at your own 2012. Reflecting on an entire year actually allows you to become aware of moments you perhaps took for granted. There are not-so-good moments that we would rather forget, but we need to spend time in darkness to better appreciate the light.
My 2012 was very kind and giving. It was filled with change and challenges, risks and uncertainty, love and support. Writing this post made me realize how truly blessed I've been this year.
I wish you all love and light in 2013. Lead with love and find your light. Namaste.

#1. Starting a blog

Late one Friday night in March, out of complete boredom, I decided to start a blog about yoga and well-being. To date, I've published 105 posts and I've had over 7000 pageviews! Thank you for reading, commenting and sharing. This blog has given me a platform whereby I can be totally honest about what I'm living. I'm grateful for all the touching messages I receive when others connect with my experience. Sharing is caring!

#2. Hugging Seane Corn

During the Toronto Yoga Conference, I bumped into my yoga Guru, Seane Corn, in the washroom. As she just finished washing her hands, I grabbed her, hugged her like she was my long lost sister, and told her she was the most amazing human being and my inspiration. Unforgettably awesome! PS - even in adulthood, it's totally cool to tell someone they've inspired you.

#3. Teaching yoga...7 years later

After taking a seven year break from teaching yoga, not only did I get back together with my yoga mat, I decided to start teaching again. My Tuesday night classes have been an absolute blessing. I'm grateful for every 'AH-HA' moment my students have inspired. Note to all - it's never too late to get back on the saddle and ride into the unknown.

#4. Teaching yoga to KIDS

During my return to the mat, I discovered a deep interest in teaching yoga to children. I completed my Radiant Child training and immediately began teaching Sunday classes. I've also been blessed with the opportunity to be teaching in daycares as well. Aside from taking kids through a journey in the jungle, Australia, and even to the North Pole, I've converted these mini yogis into "bucket fillers". All kids really want is someone to listen to their daily experiences without judgement or criticism. They'll appreciate your feedback, especially if it comes with smiles, hugs and high fives.

#5. Road Trip - Take 2

After having experienced my worst family road trip in 2011, I faced my fear and made a second attempt. I absolutely wanted to attend my cousin Tina's wedding in Connecticut, so I made a deal with the Uni-verse that everything would go smoothly. My positive affirmations convinced me that this trip would be fantastic....and it was!
The mind is the most powerful organ in the human body. It dictates how your day will unravel, so make it work for you and not against you.

#6. Becoming an Entrepreneur

In September, I launched a product for those who are spiritual minded or simply looking for mental peace. I created 'Positive Pillowcases' under my enterprise, Decor OMantra. They are available on or can be purchased directly through me. My plan for 2013 is to expand my distribution to yoga studios and spiritual wellness centres.
Leaving the fashion industry after 15 years certainly wasn't easy. I took a risk to venture back into the yoga/spiritual world. I felt energetically drawn to the spiritual world with a need to express my hardships with anxiety. I'm blessed to have the support to start a new career. I hope you're doing what you love and if you're not, may 2013 be your year of movement.

#7. Being on The Ellen Show
When my husband surprised me with a trip back to LA for our 5 year wedding anniversary, I was thrilled. But when he told me I'd be going to The Ellen Show, I was ecstatic! Being on the show was definitely a bucket list experience. Ellen DeGeneres is an incredible human being, so I was honored to have the opportunity to meet her.

#8. Watching a LIVE LAKERS basketball game at Staples Center
My love for the LA LAKERS dates back to high school. Magic Johnson (#32) will forever be the most amazing athlete to me. There isn't a high school memory that doesn't include a Lakers sweat shirt, tee or baseball cap! My claim to fame was to be a Laker girl, so attending a live game in November was simply, magic!

#9. Sharing laughs with Pascale Des Landes before she passed
When I found out my former co-worker, Pascale, was in the hospital, I debated over going to visit her. I heard her cancer had caused her to lose a lot of weight and create such discomfort that she could barely hold a conversation. I wasn't sure I'd be able to face her and talk as though life was great. One morning, I woke up thinking she could use some company, but I also wanted to reconnect with her on a deeper level. I gathered my courage, went to visit her and was surprised to see how incredibly energetic she was. We talked, we complained, we laughed. I left telling her I'd be back with a Christmas tree, in case she'd still be in the hospital. I never made it back before she was released, but I'm happy to announce that she made it home to her dogs and her own Christmas tree. Sadly, she left us this month. Her battle with cancer was long and abusive, but rather than focusing on the negative, I choose to remember the last time I saw her.
Thich Nhat Hanh said, "When you love someone, the best thing you can offer is your presence." Those words encouraged me to go visit her and I hope they encourage others to visit someone that's ill or lonely.
She will forever remain a warrior in my heart. xo

#10. Finally.....getting my Yoga Alliance certification!!
It took 200 hours of yoga practice and theory, plus hours of homework, intense exams and practice teaching to finally get here. In this scenario, I was definitely the turtle in the class as it took me almost 8 years to finally get my printed certification! Back when I started my teacher training program, I opted for the distractions around me rather than guiding people through a vinyasa flow. I wasn't passionate about teaching, so I let it go. My return to teaching was manifested by a series of anxiety attacks that not only brought me back onto my mat, but allowed my personal practice to reconnect to my Self. Today I believe that my calling is to help and serve others through yoga and spiritual guidance. Each day I discover new actions and reflect on my reactions. My motto is 'Practice makes Better', so 2013 get ready for a better me!

How will you make 2013 rock for you?

Thursday 6 December 2012

Just Be

When your monkey mind is on the go,
Just breathe, be, and let the thoughts flow.
When you believe your negative thoughts to be real,
Just breathe, be, and change how you feel.
When all your excuses have run dry,
Just breathe, be, and kiss them good-bye.
When you feel like you want to give up and quit,
Just breathe, be, and face your shit.
When your anger and sadness awaken after years,
Just breathe, be, and welcome the tears.
When the messages are loud, but you choose not to hear,
Just breathe, be, and let go of the fear.
When your body is telling you something is sore,
Just breathe, be, but don't ignore.
When your chronic pain is too much to bare,
Just breathe, be; the reasons are there.
When you cling to anger you don't fully live,
Just breathe, be, let go and forgive.

When you look in the mirror and don't like who you see,
Just breathe, be, and repeat, 'I love me!'
Every day is a game that you can win or lose,
Just breathe, be, and remember YOU choose.