Italy's National Soccer Team doing Yoga |
An avid yoga practice not only develops the physical body, but relaxes the mind and energizes the Spirit. Strength is gained from holding postures for minutes at a time, while deep breathing expands the lungs and the mind. So when Team Italia was forced into penalty kicks yesterday, the attention shifted to the mind.
During periods of high stress, our faith relies on our breath and mental state. The mental clarity that develops from practicing yoga, helps overcome all obstacles. Professional athletes push their bodies to unimaginable limits, yet rarely do we hear journalists mention their mental stability. It takes way more than a chiseled body to excel in an sport. The stress they endure is a true testament to the power of the mind. Those who have the capability to connect to their higher Self during a high cortisol moment, are the winning warriors!
To Team Italia - keep that ujayii breath full and deep. Bring on Germany.
Namaste Azzurri!