Saturday 29 July 2017

Dear Chloe

Dear Chloe,

Chloe turns 9
Nine years ago today, you chose me to be your mom. I can imagine the scene from above. I was listening to Madonna while working tirelessly on the next marketing campaign. I wanted my ideas to be out-of-the-box, innovative, buzz worthy. I'd work until my pitch was perfect. I was hard...on myself and my team. I must've been sitting on an airplane, talking as I always do, with my sarcastic humour. Underneath my confident tone, I was anxious about flying. That same day, I'm pretty sure I landed in NYC and went shopping, seeking comfort in my discomfort. And you were watching all this unfold, hearing my every thought. This was the day you'd join the world, and you knew I was "the one" to be your mom.
You knew you had to be a Leo (like Madonna!). You knew you had to be imperfect so I could love my own imperfections. You knew you had to be sensitive and compassionate for me to soften my edges. You knew you had to be fearless and full of adventure, so I could appreciate how liberating it is. You knew you had to talk A LOT, so much so that it would annoy me at times, so I could recognize my own mindless chatter. You knew you had to dislike shopping, pushing me to interact with you in deeper ways. You knew flipping upside down was a must, because I couldn't ignore my inner child. On this day, I was probably praying, as I always do, and you knew I was on a spiritual path, slowly awakening. And you picked me!

You came into my life (as all children do), to bring awareness to who I am, and continuously lead me towards my true being. You're my greatest awakener! You repeatedly mirror aspects of myself I want to improve. Thank you for silently encouraging me to step out of my comfort, so that you can be confident in exploring the unfamiliar as well. Thank you for your temperament, attitude, stubbornness, and intense personality....for all of it! No one has challenged me to look within myself more than you. Again, thank you!!
Yesterday, I suggested you fit in between a door frame for a picture. After 5 takes, you reviewed each picture and asked, "Is it perfect mommy?" You so wanted to please me. You're perfect for just being you. You taught me that.
My dear child, you don't need to seek validation externally. You earned the right to be loved exactly as you are.
My mission as your mom is to let go of any parenting tips I once read, and instead evolve into the parent YOU need me to be. Go out in this word a freethinker, a free spirit, an independent girl. May you continue to transform and grow from every circumstance life brings you.
When you were born, I believed you were an extension of me, but you are your own evolving spirit, growing and transforming daily. Today, more than ever, I celebrate you - every part of you! Thank you for choosing me.

Love always,
Your Mom

"Our children contribute to our growth in ways that are perhaps more profound than we can ever contribute to theirs." - Shefali Tsabary, PhD, from The Conscious Parent