Monday 27 February 2017

Magic Matt

Image from 'Help Save Matthew' FB pg
I never met Matthew Schreindorfer, but I'll always remember him. The news of his passing today still hasn't settled in. We worried this day might come, but never thought it actually would. Call me an optimist, but I think I was just more hopeful than anything else. I believed, we all believed, that he would overcome his diagnosis. He had over 13K Facebook fans following his story, encouraging him through every treatment. We all prayed, offered words of comfort, and supported him throughout his journey. We all hoped for a different outcome; a happy ending.
We fell in love with Matt, and his wife Katia, when they first shared their story on social media. They were high school sweethearts and newlyweds who traded 'happily ever after' for 'never ever give up'. After exhausting all possible leukemia treatments in Canada, Matt's only option to stay alive was raising a six-figure sum, for treatments in the US. Needless to say their story generated an overwhelming outpouring of support, helping them raise enough money for treatments abroad, which saved his life. As Matt continued his recovery, he never forgot to check in with his fans. He would keep us updated on his progress regularly. When he announced he needed further treatments, we continued to pray and offer donations. He never lost his sense of humour despite how many needles poked him on any given day. We followed his journey, 'liking' his posts so he knew we were there. And yet the majority of us didn't even know him personally. That's how special 'Magic Matt' was. His mom mentioned today that she was his chef throughout his fight. I think she poured so much love in his meals, that his charm and infectious smile stole our hearts.
We all know someone who has battled an incurable disease. Each one of them fought their battle with outstanding courage and the willingness to live longer. He was no different, yet we all felt somewhat a part of his story. We wanted him to win so badly! We wanted Katia to go from captain to partner. We wanted them to smile forever. I think the reason we fell in love with Matt was because he reached out to strangers, shared his trials and triumphs, and despite the odds, he committed to fight by undergoing hundreds of blood transfusions, countless tests and way more details we were spared. Moreover he was the poster child for Hope.
As I tried to make sense of my sadness for this complete stranger (that I better meet in my next life!), I realized that he gave me and thousands of others hope that THIS time cancer wouldn't win. He gave me hope that 'never ever giving up' is the mantra that would guide me through any challenge. He gave me hope that the human spirit is resilient, that we're never alone, and strangers will help you when you ask. As my tears hit my keyboard, I'm reminded that our beacon of hope has transitioned. I think that's why we're all struck with grief. Our broken hearts are asking how someone with such a strong will to live, could have their life cut short at only 27 years young. And then there's Katia, who never left his side.
I wish this story had the fairy tale ending it deserved. I ask myself what made Matthew so likeable? Sure he was easy on the eyes, seemed kind, gracious, and authentic throughout his journey. But I think Matt never allowed life to harden his heart. His courage was remarkable. Because of his experience, he took on a personal task to bring unavailable treatments to Canada. He touched so many strangers that a song, socks, and shirts were even created on his behalf. He was the lighthouse for anyone fighting an illness. He inspired thousands of us to 'keep on keepin' on' no matter what we were going through in our lives. Don't we all wish we could have an impact on the lives of strangers the same way as Matt? How about we try! Honouring a life is taking all the beautiful qualities that touched you and sharing them with the world. If the thousands of us that Matthew touched so deeply, would go out into the world with his contagious love for life, the world would be sweeter.
Thank you for inspiring us to open our hearts, love big, ask for support, smile even for a second during hardships, and never lose hope - because your journey has touched more lives than you'll ever know. Sending love and light to Matthew's family. May they heal knowing that his name and story will never be forgotten. Namaste.