Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Generation OM

'Got Yoga?' If you're a parent, I suggest you ask that question to your child's physical education teacher. Back when I was in elementary school, my favorite gym activity was sprint races. Sure we all loved the occasional dodge ball game, but I wish someone had taught me how to breathe properly, before teaching me how to jump rope.
The benefits of yoga are infinite. By introducing the practice at a young age, children will begin to set a foundation that will support them physically, mentally and spiritually. Yoga for kids: builds confidence and self-esteem; improves concentration; helps develop balance, flexibility, coordination, and strength; promotes creativity and imagination; encourages calmness; and most importantly, helps kids cope with stress and their emotions.
I can still visualize my tiny body, laying helplessly on my nonna's bathroom floor, on the first day of school. I had convinced myself that I was too ill to attend school. By the time 9:30 rolled around, I was perfectly fine! The physical pain I experienced earlier, was very real! I didn't know then that the pain was brought on by mental noise, aka - anxiety. Too bad  phys ed didn't include breathing techniques in grade 1.
Having experienced anxiety so early in my life, I refuse to see other children live through such unnecessary emotional disruption. Yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises have enabled me to reinforce my foundation, find mental clarity and spiritual awakening. If children are the future, then they deserve to reap the benefits of a balanced lifestyle. Somewhere between walking on the moon and the launch of the iphone, we missed out on living the totality of our true self.
As I grow and learn, I realize that love is the most powerful healing force, and that our relationship with our self and others provides the greatest teachings. So as a yoga kids teacher, my goal is go beyond introducing the benefits of yoga. Instead I choose to teach kids to lead with their heart in all that they do. Who knows, may be Apple will develop a self-love app that encourages acts of loving kindness. How's that for a prosperous future?!
Our Future

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Haters vs. Heart

Image: Kathryn Budig fb pg

Meet the Haters Obstacles:
"I'm not convinced," said the Husband.
"Your timing isn't good," said the Sister.
"You won't make money," said the Accountant.
"So much for private education," said the Mom.
"You're setting yourself up for failure," said the Ego.
"Fuck them," said the Heart.

Ready to make a move? Then you'll need to pack 'The Support System': Trust for guidance; Guts for confidence; Heart for success. Sending you Love, Light & Luck!


Monday, 9 July 2012


What does that really mean?
 It means:

And it also means:

So STOP making EXCUSES; START knocking over self-created OBSTACLES, b/c:

Images: kelly-neill.com, whereismyguru.com, uvtblog.com

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Magnificent Me

Image: www.pinktanpopodesigns.com

This post is dedicated to children. It's a cheer inspired by my 'Radiant Child' yoga kids!

Clap your hands and stomp your feet,
Listen first; then repeat.
Get ready, get set,
You ain't seen nothing yet!

I am Team ME,
the best that I can be

Everywhere I go, I shine my light,
Being kind, keeps it bright
I follow my heart - it always knows best,
Never mind about the rest
I may not always be in the greatest mood,
That doesn't mean it's OK to be rude
I am grateful for the way I live,
What I get, is what I give
I try my best because I know I can,
I'll always be my biggest fan

Give me an M, give me an E
There's only one ME
This is who I love to be!

I know my words will affect my day,
Positive talk is always the way
I sprinkle love to everyone I know,
That's how my heart will always grow
I'm so happy for all that I've got,
My family and friends mean a lot
Before I sleep, I like to pray,
And thank the Lord for my day.

I am Team ME
the best that I can be
Give me an M, give me an E,
There's only one ME!

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

FACT: You Are What You Attract

Illustration by Marcos Chin
Ahh, the law of attraction - how sneaky you are! Ever wonder why certain things seem to happen only to you or how you ended up where you are today? Meet the L.O.A. (aka Law of Attraction). This universal force cannot be reckoned with. Although it's as powerful as Mother Nature, it is predictable.
You see what you (yup, YOU) put out into the Universe, through your words and thoughts, actually does get absorbed. That's right - if you keep focusing on your empty bank account or lack luster career, guess what? Neither will improve! You wanna attract happiness, money, Mr. Right, good health, or success; then lather on some honey and the bees will come! Get unstuck by shifting your thoughts and words to the positive tense. Start your day with a handful of positive affirmations, relevant to what you want to attract in your life. Sitting in traffic five days a week? Perfect time to repeat your affirmations. As you release your positive words into the Universe, visualize what they represent for you. If happiness means a home filled with children, then let that be your mini series. Now, if Mr. Right is Ryan Gosling, I don't think that's who you'll marry, but I like to dream big, so go for it!
Joking aside, you get what you give. If you give out negative vibrations through angry, bitter words, you'll be stuck in neutral forever. If you buy into your Self and shift your beliefs to the greater good, then your personal stock will soar. You have almighty control over who you are at this very moment in your life. Oh ya, the big guy created you, but you manifested the you of today. It's almost like God preps you with all the ingredients to make the most incredible tomato sauce. You choose which ingredients you'll actually use and how much love you're going to put into this sauce to make it incredible. I'm completely aware that God did give you parents are guides, but once you've entered adulthood, you're flying solo. So stop blaming your parents for who you are (the Universe tuned out on that one a long time ago).
So you may be wondering who made me the Universe's agent, right? Well I'm living proof (along with y'all) that what you put out there, both mentally and verbally, does come back to you. In my case, I was so obsessed with something negative, that I actually got to experience it. In the end, what I thought would be my greatest nightmare, didn't turn out to be so bad after all. Truthfully, I'm grateful to have lived it because it made me conscience of the power of my thoughts and words. You may not realize it, but if you constantly repeat that "everything bad happens to me"; congrats, you're right!
Here's your latest task: observe your words. Notice how many negative thoughts get vocalized. Stop criticisizing your actions or who you are. You're definitely not perfect, but why strive to be perfect? If you'd be perfect, you'd stop growing and be boring. And stop believing that only bad comes your way. Believe in the good, trust in the process and you'll attract what you desire. The Universe wants only the best for you; now it's up to you to want the same.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

A Muse Yourself

Yoga is a practice of movements that improve your strength and flexibility, but most importantly, it calms the mind. Every pose/asana tells a story. And what you bring to the mat each time, provides its unique climax. Expect the unexpected from each practice. 
This week, my yoga story starts off upside down, after two consecutive long weekends! But today is the day I get re-focused on balance. With balance, comes emotional stability. So now that I'm settled in to calmness, I'm looking for some stimulating challenges (hence image #4). My quest for constant stimulation has taken me to new heights. So if you feel like your life is sluggish and predictable, shake things up! Life is so short; why not flip upside down and kick up your heels once and a while?! You'll be pleasantly amused by the sudden surge of energy you'll feel!
This post introduces 5 asanas that allow you to hit the height of maximum intensity - all in good ol' yogic fun! Get your story to live up to any Blockbuster hit by trying some of the poses below. Get into light, comfy, sweat-friendly gear* and go for it!

When your life seems upside down, observe your breath!   
Treat yourself to reverse tree pose
Balance out in Warrior III
Shift to Lift
get Psyched for Pikes!
* My latest fashion fixation: 'A Muse Me' pant by Lululemon (as seen in the above images)